R. Schaback

Since we installed the ozone unit, the following was observed not only by the performance of livestock but also by consumption of water at our home. We actually had to buy a water pitcher twice the size as what we had used previously. I personally drink six to eight times as much as before because I would always drink milk instead. I never had water as clear, crisp, tasty, odor free and satisfying as what this system has brought us.

Consumption of water in livestock went up which in turn increased our milk production on our farm. The smell of the water and the frequency of times that we had to clean the watering trough decreased as a result of the installation of this system.

People that have tasted our water suggested we bottle and sell ozonated water at our entertainment center which comprises of a miniature golf, driving range and sand volleyball courts. Also, you may be interested in knowing the E.P.A. was really impressed with the system as well.