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What is Ozone Water Treatment?

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Learn More About Ozone Water Treatment

Your water is an important source of hydration yet there are many contaminants that can be swimming in them as they make their way from city water facilities, down main lines, and into your dwelling. In order to combat the bacteria that are prevalent in the water, there are several strategies that are put in place to treat water. Ozone water treatment is just one of many solutions for water purification out there that could work for your property. Ultimately, it’s best to get your water tested by a professional and discuss what options would work best based on your water quality. Consult your local water treatment company for available services, until then, here is some general information with ozone water treatment that may prove useful to you.

How is ozone generated for water treatment?

Ozone is produced when oxygen (O2) molecules are taken away from an energy source and put into oxygen atoms. These atoms then collide with the oxygen molecule to form a gas that is unstable (O3) which is what is used to disinfect wastewater.

What happens to ozone in water?

With ozone added to water a chain of reactions occurs, which is complex that involves radicals like hydroxyl (OH) which is stronger than ozone itself. Oxidation with molecular ozone is slower than oxidation with hydroxyl radicals which happens very fast.

How does ozone kill bacteria in water?

Ozone water treatment will oxidize organic materials inside bacterial membranes by weakening the cell wall leading to cell rupture. This will expose the cell to the environment which will ultimately cause the immediate death of the cell. The ozonation standard for killing most organisms is a three minute contact time of maintaining 0.3 ppm.

Taking a water test for analysis from a reservoir

Does ozone water treatment kill bacteria?

  • Bacteria as well as
  • Cryptosporidium
  • Fungi
  • Giardia
  • Microbes
  • Molds 
  • Parasites
  • Giardia

Is ozonated water healthy?

Ozone water treatment is healthy and shown to possess antibacterial effects. Direct inhalation of O3 is what’s dangerous with side-effects that emerge which is why in order to heighten both safety and effectiveness ozone dissolved in water.

Why do they put ozone in water?

In order to remove harmful microorganisms and to disinfect water, ozone water treatment can be implemented to mineral or spring waters. It can also be effective in removing flavors and odors as it breaks them down into oxygen which can improve taste and other aspects.

Ozone Water Treatment for Plants

Ozone water treatment for plants is often a good idea as they will increase the level of oxygen in the water. As oxygen-enriched water will ultimately feed the plant it’s development will be improved in growth and health.

How much ozone is used in water treatment?

There is a required amount of ozone is .44 mg ozone/mg Fe. With drinking water Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) is often removed in order to make water have a better taste.

Is ozone treated water safe to drink?

Ozone water is safe to consume and it can also be used for pool and hot tubs. 

Ozone Water Purification for Swimming Pools

Ozone water treatment can be a viable alternative option when you’re looking for a disinfectant for your pool. It can be used to replace the bromine and chlorine disinfection chemicals. Ozone has the advantage of having the environment of the swimming pool increase dramatically.

Does ozone change pH water?

Ozone water treatment won’t affect the pH of water, it will instead oxidize the contaminants which are causing an adjusted pH.

Ozone Water Treatment for Hot Tubs

A hot tub ozonator is the device that’s typically used to generate and inject ozone gas into the spa water. What this will do is reduce the number of chemicals in the water as well as take away impurities in order to keep the water clear and conditions enjoyable.

How is ozone removed from water?

Ozone is removed from water by UV light which will quickly break or dissociate the oxygen bonds in the ozone molecule. With this UV energy ozone will be catalyzed into oxygen.

Contact A Professional For Assistance

If you’re looking to improve your water with ozone water treatment your local water treatment company will be able to provide you with the services that you need. It’s important to stay healthy and hydrated no matter the season, and with cleaner water, you’ll benefit from a better taste and mindset. With all of the options available for water treatment make sure to weigh them out to see what may work more optimally for your property. You may even be able to combine different water treatment and purification systems for heightened clean water. See what may be able to work for your property’s specifications with a professional. If ozone water treatment sounds right for you, go ahead and make the move for better water today.

If you’re interested in ozone water treatment in Leander, TX call 800-633-8469 with Ozone Pure Water!

How to Test Water Quality

Free water testing

Water Test Kit

If you’re like most homeowners, access to fresh, clean water is crucial for your lifestyle. Finding a dependable water testing kit may be a good way to move forward. But which one is most accurate? Ultimately, there are many different water testing kits on the market. One kit that has been highly rated for well water is the Watersafe Well Water Test Kit. According to reviews, this well water testing kit has high efficacy and easy-to-read testing strips that have ranges for each contaminant that is tested. For drinking water, a highly recommended testing kit is the Baldwin Meadows 9-in-1 Drinking Water Test Kit. For the best results, however, it is recommended to select a licensed and insured plumbing company that specializes in water contamination testing.

One of the most important systems that run through a home is plumbing. Free water testing is valuable because it helps homeowners to understand more about the water quality that flows through their faucets. 

How to Test Water Quality

There are a number of different ways for the water in your home to be tested. One of these ways is by purchasing a water quality testing kit. Another way to test your drinking water is to get it tested at a laboratory that is accredited by the Department of Environmental Protection, also known by the acronym, DEP. There is a repository of DEP-accredited labs that are available on the Department of Environmental Protection website. Elements and pollutants that show up during water quality tests include chemicals, hardness, arsenic, metals, E. coli, nitrate, coliform bacteria, and lead or copper.

Drinking-Water Test Lab

In order for a laboratory to be approved to test the water by the EPA, they must follow a certain set of guidelines that must be met. For instance, laboratories must be certified by the state or the EPA in order to analyze drinking water samples for compliance monitoring. Laboratories must also successfully analyze proficiency testing (PT) examples at least once annually for each method. They must also analyze each method for the desired certification. The laboratory must also use the accepted methodology. Periodically, such laboratories must also pass on-site audits.

Water Tester

It’s important for all individuals to recognize that water is always at risk of being contaminated with harmful bacteria. People use water for a wide variety of purposes. Water is used for household tasks such as washing dishes and doing laundry. It’s also used for recreational purposes such as swimming. In each instance, water needs to be free of contaminants and safe. An appropriate water tester can comprehend over one hundred and seventy contaminants. Each of these contaminants must be eliminated in order for the water to be safe to drink.

Tap Water Test

If you pay a water bill, water is being purchased from the public water system. That means that the water is consistently monitored and found to be trustworthy. The results of your water quality tests are reported to the federal, state or tribal drinking authorities. As a matter of fact, the water company must notify homeowners when contaminants are found in the water. This is because contaminated water can cause illness or other serious issues. If, on the other hand, your water comes from a household well, you are primarily answerable for making sure that it is safe for consumption.

Who Does Free Water Testing

Are you wondering who performs free water testing in your area? Please feel free to review the following possible resources:

  • A nearby certified and insured water testing company. Many companies offer to perform this service for free because it addresses the water quality situation directly. 
  • An online water testing company. There are online water testing companies that will test your in-home water for hardness and water quality.

While you are researching your water testing options, you might as well start cataloging companies that you think would be suited to perform routine maintenance for your home. That includes roof repairs. If you need a flat roof installation or repair, now is the time to address those repairs.

Free Water Testing Kits for Schools

Luckily, there are water associations that provide free water quality test kits for schools. One such association is the Green Mountain Water Environment Association. The GMWEA provides one hundred basic testing kits to schools each year. These are distributed just in time for spring semester field-learning exercises.

Free Water Testing

As any scientist can confirm, the quality of your water is integral to your health. There are many different avenues for you to take if you would like free water testing. As previously mentioned, you could utilize a nearby water testing company or you could search online for a laboratory that is certified by the EPA. The most important thing for homeowners to focus on is finding a company that is as responsible and certified as possible. Please only use companies that are backed by official documentation.

Free water testing can improve the quality of water in your home

Free Water Test Oil and Gas

For oil and gas wells, it is important for the nearby groundwater to remain uncontaminated. Free water is a standard lab test that is conducted for cement slurries. The free water is the percentage of water that is visually almost clear on top of the cement slurry.

Our company can help you with free water testing. Our staff at Ozone Pure Water are ready to take your phone call at 800-633-8469. Discover more about what a free water testing in Leander, TX can do for your home!

Should I Invest in a Filtration System That Removes Iron?

installing an iron removal water system

Maintaining and Protecting Your Home

Are you noticing hard water stains throughout your bathroom? Have rust stains become more apparent on your fixtures? Signs such as these indicate that you are suffering from hard water, specifically iron buildup. Homes and properties with individual well water tanks rarely have the same extensive filtration that city water sources do. Because of that, it’s highly encouraged to invest in your own house water filtration system. If your area is prone to experiencing rust and other iron-related problems, you’ll likely benefit the most from an iron removal water system for your Leander, TX property. Contact Ozone Pure Water at 800-633-8469 to schedule a consultation today.

iron removal water system installation

Benefits of an Iron Removal Water System

Before getting into the benefits, it’s important to understand what iron removal water filtration systems actually are. Like whole house water treatment systems, an iron removal system is a series of filters that filter and remove iron deposits in the water, specifically well water. If your water supply comes from a city, this is already included in the city filtration process. So what are the benefits?

  • Removal of Rust and Sulfur: Of course, one of the number one benefits is the removal of rust and sulfur. These are harmful to your health, your home, and your property. 
  • Sediment Removal: This is great for filtration systems in general, not just iron in water removal systems. Sediment often collects at the bottom of water heaters and can cause clogs, damage, and more. 
  • Reduces Damage: Excess iron in your water source will cause certain appliances and fixtures to corrode. An iron filter will reduce this damage as well as reducing rust stains in coffee pots, in showers, and other areas too!
  • No Chemicals: Iron filters do not use chemicals of any kind. While there is a time and place for chemical filtration, rarely is it necessary in the home. With this type of filtration, you don’t have to worry about chemicals in your water. 

As mentioned, if you have water coming from the city, then this process is actually already done for you. An additional iron filtration system isn’t necessary, though still could invest in one if you felt it was needed. It’s not like a service such as asphalt crack repair, which you may need to protect your home and your loved ones. An iron removal system for well water is often warranted for those that don’t have access to the city water supply. In those cases, a filtration system like this will be a sound investment. If you are interested in learning more about your options, contact Ozone Pure Water.

Iron Removal Water System vs Water Softener

Should you invest in an iron removal system and a water softener? That depends on a few things. You can start with water testing. These tests are often inexpensive and easy to complete, as well as providing fast results. If the well water you source from contains excessive amounts of iron and other mineral deposits, then yes, it may be a good idea to invest in both. However, if the deposits aren’t substantial, then you may be able to get away with one or the other. 

Water softeners help to reduce damage to your plumbing and other fixtures by removing traces of magnesium and iron from the water. Doing so prevents rust, corrosion, and hard water stains that you’ll often find in coffee pots and on shower doors. That in mind, water softeners can come with their own host of problems that may not make them worth the investment. Depending on your needs and your budget, you can decide what you want. For help with that, rely on Ozone Pure Water. We are the experts you can trust to offer you incredible services at affordable prices. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the best iron removal water system?
    • There are several brands and options out there, but the best for removing iron would be a system that is specifically designed to do just that. Katolox makes a great filtration system that specifically removes iron from water well sources. 
  • How do you remove iron from water?
    • This can be done with mechanical, or sediment filters, or with filters that are specifically designed to catch iron deposits in water. Either way, you’ll have filtered water that is clean and free from iron, chemicals, and more.
  • Will a whole house filter remove iron?
    • Yes, there are many filtration systems on the market that will remove a whole host of things such as iron, magnesium, and more. These may not be as effective as a system that is purposefully removing iron, but they will get the job done.
  • What type of filter removes iron from water?
    • Most water filtration systems actually remove dissolved ferrous iron through ion exchange. This filtration allows for the most removal and cleaning of well water into your home. 
  • Can iron in water hurt you?
    • No, according to most sources, you could not drink enough water to see any toxic harm to your body. However, while iron doesn’t affect your health, it can affect your home, causing problems and damage. 
type of iron removal water system

Connect With Us Today for an Appointment

For an iron removal water system in Leander, TX, look no further than Ozone Pure Water. We are the experts you can rely on for all your water filtration needs. Call us at 800-633-8469 to get started. 

Is Tannic Acid Bad for You?

Clear water on hands

Tannic Acid Vs Tannins

What is tannic acid and how it is used by humans? Is there a difference between tannic acid vs tannins? Tannic acid is an explicit form of tannin, a form of polyphenol with a weak acidity due to the many phenol groups within the structure. It is used in beverages, foods, and medications as a flavoring agent. Tannins are natural, an organic material that is a byproduct of fermentation, such as in winemaking.

In areas where the water comes through a peaty type of soil and decayed vegetation, it can have a yellowish to brown color, this being the tannic acid. That water alone will stain china, fabric, and fixtures and it will have a tangy or tart taste in addition to an odor much like earthy or musty. It is common in low-lying, marshy areas like coastal land.

Where Is Tannic Acid Found?

Tannic acid is found on the twigs of some oak tree types in the nutgalls and is formed by insects.  It is removed from those twigs and then processed to be used as a flavoring agent in beverages and foods and as a medicine.

How Do You Detect Tannins?

When tannins are added to water, it turns a light yellow to a dark brown. Tannins are detected by taking a clear glass and filling it with water, setting it aside overnight.  The next morning, if the color has settled down to the bottom of the glass, then the discoloration is more likely to be from iron or manganese, it is not an indication of tannins being present.

Are Tannins Dangerous?

A fascinating kind of molecule, tannins are a natural by-product of a plant that is binding and full of proteins. Many foods that are consumed by humans are largely influenced by tannins as nutritive value. Historically, activated charcoal would be mixed with magnesium oxide and tannic acid as an antidote for poisoning.

It was thought that that combination worked better to absorb poisons than any other ingredients. Unfortunately, it would be discovered over time that the tannic acid was soaked by the activated charcoal, making it less effective.

Today though, tannic acid is used directly instead of combining it with any other substance. It is applied to directly to aid to stop bleeding and as an aid in healing things like:

  • Bleeding
  • Cold Sores
  • Diaper Rash
  • Fever Blister
  • Heat Rash
  • Ingrown Toenails
  • Poison Ivy
  • Receding or Spongy Gums
  • Skin Rashes
  • Sore Throat
  • Sore Tonsils

What Does Tannic Acid Do to the Body?

The natural ingredients within tannic acid absorb things that are harmful and unnatural for the body, thus, having a protective consequence on the body, externally or internally. Above, we listed some of the external ways tannic acid is used on the body. Internally, tannic acid can help as well! Tannic acid has been used for cancer and helps with intestinal issues. However, tannic acid can absorb medications as well, thus, making them less effective.

What Are the Side Effects of Tannins?

While tannins are known to have positive effects on the body when the commercial form of them are ingested in the form of tannic acid in large amounts, it has been known to cause the following side effects:

  • Liver Damage
  • Nausea
  • Stomach Irritation
  • Vomiting

Additionally, when tannin is regularly consumed in high concentrations along with herbs, it has been linked to increased chances of nose or throat cancer developing. However, there have been positive health benefits from the anti-oxidizing of tannins, one being that blood pressure has been stabilized when consumed in moderation.

Overall, tannins and tannic acid summarized is that while it can be good for the human body, too much of a good thing can be harmful. The FDA has requested more studies be done on this substance before they take on their studies to determine the benefits and possible harm of this natural by-product.

Are Tannins and Tannic Acid the Same?

Tannic acid is a detailed form of tannin and frequently the two terms are incorrectly used in conversation interchangeably. For example, concerning black tea and green tea. Both of these contain tannin, but they do not contain tannic acid.

Because the terms have been misused so much and are included in articles together, the confusion has been compounded. The truth to this matter is that tannic acid is a poor definition of the composition and is not a suitable standard for any form of tannin analysis.

A short summarization is that tannins come from a complex chemical compound group and tannic acid is a commercial standard name. In the commercial format, it is frequently found in gallotanic acid. Tannic acid is decagalloyl, based on gallic acid in the polyphenol family and derived from glucosyl version (sugar). The tannins are from the polyphenol family as well in the form of flavonoid-based products in the polyphenol family.

As tannic acid is a natural by-product substance and is found in many beverages and foods, including water, it has proven not to be harmful to humans. It is added frequently, but when it comes to drinking water, caution is recommended.

As stated earlier, too much of a good thing can make it a bad thing. As such, if you notice a musky odor in your water or an unpleasant “dirty” taste to your water, it is wise to have the water tested for high levels of tannic acid. If in an area that is known for issues with water quality, a periodic check-up for your water would be as beneficial as having your HVAC system checked periodically, considered part of household maintenance. Looking for water purification for your home in Leander, TX? Call Ozone Pure Water today at 800-633-8469 for your needs!

Are Water Softeners Worth It?

Old & New Water Softener Tanks In a Utility Room

Improve Your Water Quality

Your water quality is essential in maintaining the health of the occupants of your home. Not only does improved water quality help with health, but it also saves your water appliances from stains as well as makes them easier to clean. There are various water treatment systems available in the market today from purifiers to a water softener. Get in touch with a professional to see what measures can be taken to improve the quality of your water. Here is some helpful information surrounding water softeners, a popular way to take basic precautions against hard water.

How do I know if I need a water softener?

Just like you can get your indoor air quality tested you can get your water quality tested as well. You may also be able to look up the quality of your water with your municipality’s water treatment website that typically provides annual water quality reports that are accessible to the public at large. With this information, you can see if you have hard water or water with substances that are detrimental to your health. You may choose to install water purifiers or a water softener to assist with making water more healthy and tolerable.

How can I tell if I have hard or soft water?

A good way to tell if you have water is by simply tasting it, hard water has more of a metallic taste to it. Not only that, but it may even smell like chlorine or another scent due to the contaminants in hard water. With your tub or sink you may see yellowing stains which is a good indication that calcium and magnesium carbonates which are typically found in hard water are present.

What are the advantages of having a water softener?

A water softener is a great way to incorporate easier maintenance and cleanliness of your water appliances. Typically hard water will stain surfaces and make them harder to clean so with a water softener you will have more ease in use. Not only that, but it will preserve the life of water appliances as well. With reduced chances of repairs and build-up, you’ll be able to conserve water and save on monthly energy costs. As far as showering a water softener can assist in softer skin and smoother nails as the harsh minerals in hard water can make them dry and in the case of hair brittle and coarse. Your clothes will also be softer and less coarse as well. As far as your silverware you’ll have fewer water stains and more of a shine.

Home Installer Giving Thumbs Up Besides a Water Softener Installation in a Basement Utility Room

Advantages of a Water Softener

  • Softer Skin
  • Smooth Hair
  • Reduced Soap Curd
  • Cleaner Plumbing Fixtures
  • Cleaner Silverware
  • Softer Clothes
  • Preserves Life of Water Appliances
    • Coffee Machines
    • Ice Makers
    • Water Heater
    • Laundry
    • Dishwasher
  • Saves on Monthly Energy Costs

Water Softener vs Water Conditioner

A water conditioner is also known as a descaler or salt-free conditioner which changes the chemical structure of water to prevent minerals from scale formation in pipes and fixtures. Minerals are left in the water as they can’t be removed completely. What water softeners do is exchange hard water ions or minerals of calcium and magnesium and replace them with sodium ions. The minerals are then flushed in drains in the water system which free water of hard water minerals.

Do you really need a water softener?

A water softener is an option that you can use according to your preferences. You may choose to incorporate alternative methods of water purification as well. There are many options on filters that can be made with improving water. 

Do you need a water filter with a water softener?

A water filter will be a good way to make the water healthier. Although a water softener can make water taste better, in reality, it won’t make it cleaner or safer to drink. A water filter will be able to filter out both large and small particles through various membranes in the filter before coming out squeaky clean. It’s recommended to use a pre, middle and post-filter in a three-step filter process to get 99.9% of contaminants out. Such contaminants can be minerals, hard metals, viruses, bacteria, sediment and more.  

Contact A Professional

Improve the quality of your water in your home or business for optimal water use. If you’re interested in a water softener installation be sure to call your local professionals for assistance. They will be able to test your waters and determine which model is right for your property. You’ll be able to find out when to use water softener as well as where to place it so you may be able to use them in multiple rooms, in a few or one. There are many advantages in taking the preliminary step of improving your water with a water softener, learn more with a water expert today!

If you’re interested in a water softener in Leander, TX call 800-633-8469 with Ozone Pure Water!

How Do You Treat New Pool Water?

A Picture of Swimming Pool Water Testing.

Water Treatment for Pool

Have you recently had your pool drained and refilled with water? If so, you will need do a little bit of pool water treatment in order to get the pool ready to swim in. What is swimming pool water treatment? In order for your pool to be clean and free of bacteria, algae, and other damaging substances, its important that your pool gets the proper water treatment. When it comes to pool water treatment for new pool water, you have to test the water to make sure its suitable for your pool. Your pool water has to to have a certain water balance so that it won’t ruin the surface of your pool, as well as work your pool’s chlorine. What you will need to do is test the water balance using test strips in a pool water test kit. The pH of your water needs to lie somewhere between 7.2 and 7.6. If the pH of your pool water is off, you can either add more chlorine or pH increaser if the pH is too low or you can add a pH decreaser if the pH is too high.

While the pH of your pool is really important, there are other chemicals that are needed in your pool. What chemicals are needed to maintain a pool? If you have a pool, you will also need to test the alkalinity, calcium hardness, chlorine, and cyanuric acid. To test all four, you will need to use a complete test kit. When it comes to your alkalinity, the total alkalinity needs to be between 80 and 120 ppm. If it’s too low you will use an alkalinity increaser and a pH decreaser if the levels are too high. For calcium hardness, it needs to be between 180 and 220 ppm. Just adjust those levels when they are too low, you can use a calcium hardness increaser. Pool water has pretty high levels of calcium hardness, so getting them higher is usually not an issue. The levels of cyanuric acid need to be between 30 and 50 ppm, but they will usually be at zero when the pool has freshly filled water. To raise the levels, you will use add a stabilizer. After all of the chemical levels have been checked and added, you will need to raise the chlorine levels. The fastest way to do this is to shock the pool, which just means adding more chlorine. Of course, if you use other water treatment options like ozone, bromine, or salt water, there will be other ways to treat your new pool water. To ensure your pool water treatment is done correctly, it’s important to call a professional.

Pool Water Treatment Options

In order to keep your pool protected against bacteria and slime, you need a good water treatment option. When it comes to pool water treatment, you have a couple of options to choose from.

  • Bromine: If you are allergic to chlorine, bromine is a great alternative to chlorine. You don’t have to test your pool as much when you use bromine and the water balance should pretty much stay the same for longer periods of time. However, it isn’t best at oxidizing water and it is more expensive.
  • Chlorine: The most popular pool water treatment it chlorine. It has the ability to remove algae, sanitize your pool, as well as oxidize it, plus it is affordable. Some people don’t like to use chlorine because it can irritate their skin, has a strong smell, and causes red eyes.
  • Ionizers: Using copper and silver, an ionizer uses a low-voltage DC current to send these types of metals into the pool water. You don’t have to use much chlorine with this pool water treatment, and it’s good at attracting germs and bacteria that can be removed from the filter. This water treatment is more expensive.
  • Ozone: This type of treatment uses a machine that is installed to the filtration line. It will then place ozone gas to kill pathogens. They require little chlorine and they don’t use a lot of electricity.

What Happens If I Put Too Much Chlorine in My Pool?

When you add too much chlorine to your pool, it can irritate your skin and eyes and in serious cases, it can exacerbate asthma and irritate your lungs. What can I use to stabilize my pool? If you have put too much chlorine in your pool, stop adding chlorine to your pool and leave your pool uncovered so the sun will remove some of the chlorine.

How Do I Balance My Pool Water?

The way that you balance out your pool water is to test and adjust the
alkalinity, adjust the pH, regulate the calcium hardness, and then sanitize the pool with your preferred pool water treatment.

How Often Should You Treat Your Pool?

A Picture of a Backyard with a Swimming Pool.

Swimming Pool Water Treatment Contractors

In the summertime, you should be testing your pool at least two or three times a week, whereas in the winter you should test the pool once a week. If you notice that any of the levels are off, then you will need to perform pool water treatment. For homeowners who are looking for pool water treatment in Leander, TX, call Ozone Pure Water today! We offer a professional ozone treatment process to get your pool sanitized and protected. Just like you wouldn’t trust just anyone for deck staining, you shouldn’t just trust anyone to take care of your pool water treatment. Contact us at 800-633-8469 to make an appointment.

Do I Need a Water Filtration System?

Woman filling glass with tap water for drinking on the kitchen.

Improve Your Water Quality & Health

When you are confused as to what is going on with your water and wondering why it tastes off or unsatisfactory than it may be time to consider your options for improving your water quality. Chances are that if your tap water is showing discoloration or bad taste that the water in your other rooms are undergoing the same issues. With any odd consistencies with your water, it’s probably best to get it tested by a professional. You may also be able to see what is being transferred to your home from its particular source of water based on your municipality’s annual water report which can typically be found on their website. Once you find out what is coming through your system-wide water lines you’ll be able to determine what risks of contaminants can be added from traveling from water treatment facilities to your property. With water filtration systems you’ll be able to get rid of the remaining particles for good and benefit your health from clean water skin absorption and consumption.  If you’re wondering are water filtration systems worth it then consider the pros and cons.  There are many water filtration system benefits depending on the type of system that you choose to incorporate to your home or business.

What is a water filtration system?

A water filtration system is any system that incorporates a filter or screen to get rid of pollutants and particles from water.  There are many types of water filtration systems that can be used alone or together to complete an overall clean system. There are whole house water filtration systems for example that place filter systems at the point of entry for the property so all areas that access water will benefit from the filtered water. Another option that can be incorporated into your water filtration system is ozone treatment which can be incorporated for both air and water to block out particle impurities.

What does a water filtration system do?

A water filtration system will actively work to get rid of impurities through different techniques depending on the filter and the  size of the particle. With physical filtration, you may see a straining method which more often catches larger particles such as dirt or sediments. With chemical filtration, you’ll see water pass through some sort of material film or filter that removes impurities as they pass through it with the chemical component within it.

What is the best water filtration system?

The best water filtration system may be the three-step system or whole house water filtration system. This water filtration system incorporates pre-filter activated carbon filters, a secondary filter with reverse osmosis filters, and post filters that are used as a sort of polish like with UV light.

How does a whole house water filtration system work?

If you’re wondering which water filtration system is best for the house than consider a whole house water filtration system. It’s strategically placed at the point of entry of where water enters your property so all of the areas that use water will reap the benefits of purified water. These systems will incorporate the three-step water filtration of carbon filers, reverse osmosis and a post filter.

Filter system for water treatment with glasses of clean and dirty water  isolated on white.

Water Filtration System Benefits

  • Safer for a child’s development
  • Costs less then bottled water
  • Less toxic for the environment
  • Reduces the risk of certain cancers
  • Balanced pH of drinking water
  • Better for your hair and skin
  • Protects the body from disease

Water Filtration System vs Water Softener

A water softener installation is often mistaken as a water filter yet there is a stark difference that should be taken into consideration if you’re seeking to improve taste versus getting rid of contaminants. With a water softener, the contaminants like magnesium, calcium carbonate and limescale can be lessened to prevent scale build up. However these minerals are not filtered or blocked, their effects are lessened by an exchange with sodium which makes the water less hard or “soft.” Water filtration systems will get rid of these impurities entirely and even go further with preventing other chemicals or man-made heavy metals from being present in your water. Essentially, a water filter costs about the same as a water softener yer will get rid of more impurities.

Why is water filtration important?

Water filtration is essential to maintaining both our short term and long term health. Take for instance that there are heavy metals and chemicals that can be present in our water supplies to varying degrees in accordance to our municipality. Although there are water treatment facilities present for each city there can still be organic and inorganic compounds present in the water for our showers, laundry, bathrooms, and kitchen. You can often find chlorine, bacteria, and pesticides present in the water that you drink without the advent of a filter to catch these smaller microns of particles away. All these types of contaminants can be absorbed through our skin or digested which can cause health problems with prolonged exposures as time passes. In order to improve our health and prevent health concerns, it’s important to take the necessary steps in conserving our health with a water filtration system.

If you’re interested in a water filtration system in Leander, TX call 800-633-8469 with Ozone Pure Water!

What is a Water Ozonator?

girl swimming in pool water

There is a debate on whether an Ozonator is a better water purifier than an ionizer. While they are commonly used ionizers do have their disadvantages and are not as effective as ozonators. Unlike ozonators, ionizers need to be treated with other substances in order to be effective while ozonators can be used by itself. This means that not all bacteria may be destroyed without the proper chemicals needed to be used alongside ionizers. Ionizers also leave behind stained pools on the bottom surface and inner surroundings. Now that we have the ozonators vs ionizers out of the way, let’s delve into how ozone works, its long-term health, and the treatment process.

How does a water Ozonator work?

When oxygen is exposed to ultraviolet light it creates what is called an ozone gas. This ozone is then added to the water. It destroys the bacteria and any other parasites that are floating around in the water and purify it. An Ozonator generator doesn’t just apply to purifying your drinking water. Although Ozonator for water is its main usage,  it can be used to purify your hot tub water as well as standing food like fruit to destroy any airborne chemicals that may come in contact. Second, to bleach, ozone is powerful in sanitizing. Ozone therapy has even become a thing to help combat diseases. It has been shown to have little to no side effects.

Is ozone water safe to drink?

woman drinking water

Well, the first question is, what is ozone? Ozone is an oxygen component that is added to your water to act as sanitation as it is dissolved into your water. Its sanitation improves the quality of water taste by removing certain flavors caused by bacteria. Water that is purified by ozone is actually FDA approved and can be found in some spring and mineral water brands albeit rare due to the overall cost of ozonators. Drinking too much ozone can ultimately result in health-related issues such as anything related to your respiratory.  Breathing in pure ozone can be dangerous to your lungs as well.

How long does ozone stay in water?

Once added to water, ozone gas does not last long. Ozone gas lasts on average thirty minutes after it has been added so there is limited time to drink your water before it disappears. If you are adding ozone to your water, let your Ozonator run approximately ten minutes before use. Calculate the ounces that is considered safe and a decent quantity before drinking. You can do this by simple math. The amount of ounces of ozonated water to drink is determined by your weight divided by two on a daily basis.

What is ozone water treatment system?

An ozone water treatment system is used to disinfect drinking water as well as aquatic equipment such as pools and hot tubs. An ozonator generator will only last up to twelve hours after the injection process is complete. As stated previously ozone does not last very long while in water. After approximately thirty minutes, the ozone will turn back into oxygen. Some ozonator benefits include not only pure water but is a healthy alternative. Ozone generators are being used more and more frequently to purify around the house but more commonly used Ozonator for water.

Can you smell ozone?

Ozone does have a particular scent. It has been described as smelling similar to chlorine. It is described as a crisp, clean smell. Due to this smell, it is considered best practice to not expose or inhale too much ozone. Despite all of this, ozonators are worth it in the long run. These benefits include cleaner water and fewer chemicals to treat water compared to ionizers. As well as doing a better job at purifying the water being treated if only for a short period of time. While there are advantages of using ozone there will also be disadvantages.  
Just like indoor air quality in your home, having clean water is vital. Researching how ozone works with your new ozonator installation for your hot tub, pool, or drinking water can be very useful and help determine what is best for you in the long run. Compare the health benefits of drinking ozone water as well as how the water is being treated.  While applying ozonators to your pool and/ or hot tub, take into consideration whether you want to continue using ionizers or not considering the listed disadvantages in the previous post. Keep in mind that ozonators have better qualities when it comes to purifying your water and getting rid of the disgusting bacteria and parasites that linger in your water. For any inquiries on ozonator installation, call us at 800-633-8469.

Your Guide to Water Testing

In Texas, water systems can vary greatly. Many homes still depend on well systems while others feed on city water lines, some of which stretch for miles. Whether your family uses well or city water, you could be at risk of water contamination that can cause hard water, stains, and even health risks. While water hazards can be serious, they can also be prevented with the right system. Knowing what’s in your water and what systems are available can help you make the right decision for your family’s water supply.

Clean Water in a Glass

Water Testing Can Uncover What’s in Your Water

What’s Lurking in Your Water?

Your water could be chock full of contaminants that have been deposited by water seepage, leaky pipes, and water processing. These particles can cause stains on clothing and dishes, dry, itchy skin, and even digestion and other health problems. Toxins like arsenic, lead, Mercury, Fluoride, and many other harmful contaminants can enter your water supply at any point throughout its travel to your home, causing your family problems. Water testing and treatment can help rid your water of contaminants, delivering better tasting, healthier water for your home. Many people ask, “Is water testing free?” because of the serious nature of the problem. While comparatively inexpensive, water testing is not free. However, it is still worth the cost in many cases for clean water consumption.

Can You Test Your Water at Home?

At most local home supply stores, you can find a home water testing kit along with detailed instructions on how to test water quality at home. However, most of these options test for minimal contaminants. A professional water treatment specialist can test your water supply for almost any contaminant that could be lurking and provide advice and guidance on the best option for your water treatment plan. Using a water testing device, they can deliver an accurate assessment of your water makeup and provide information on filtration, treatment, and purification options that can return your water to pristine.

What Can You Test Water For?

Your home’s water can be tested for any type of contaminant or particle. Along with contaminants, your water supply can also be tested for problems like hard water which can be easily treated once discovered. Professional water testing services can screen your water for all types of impurities, from metals and minerals to poisons, pesticides, and other hazardous compositions.

What is the Most Important Water Quality Test?

While all water quality tests are important, testing for dissolved solids, coliform, and nitrate-nitrogen are crucial in well water systems. These contaminants build up in some wells and can sometimes lead to major sickness and severe digestion problems. Identifying hazardous contaminants such as these early can help save money, stress, and hardship. A professional can complete a well water test quickly and accurately for your own safety and peace of mind.

What are the Tests for Drinking Water?

Water SplashingLike a whole home test, drinking water tests are done by taking a small sample of water and screening it for a list of toxins and impurities. Many times, these tests are completed by using chemical reactive results such as litmus paper to distinguish exactly what is in your water. From there, your water specialist can help you decide which type of filtration or purification is best for your needs.

To test your drinking water quality, there are many routes you can take. A professional can test your drinking water along with the rest of your home’s water for a comprehensive view. You can also purchase drinking water testing kits at home supply stores. These kits offer testing for chemicals like bacteria, lead, and pesticides that can cause your family problems. Today, mail-in options are also available and are completed in 2-4 weeks.

Your Home’s Air Quality

Along with water quality, the quality of your home’s air can play an integral role in the health of your family. Viruses, bacteria, dust, mold, and other allergens and toxins can enter your air from a variety of places and wreak havoc on your family. Professional Texas roof repair for roof damages along with top-quality filters in your HVAC system are both common techniques for improving air quality and minimizing symptoms associated with asthma, bronchitis, COPD, and many other respiratory illnesses.

A Healthier Home

Your home’s air and water quality are imperative to the health and comfort of your family. When you’re in the market for dependable water testing in the Leander, TX area, call the Ozone Pure Water experts first. Our technicians can complete simple water testing to quickly and conveniently provide an accurate picture of exactly what’s in your water supply. We will also offer details on each of your filtration and purification options including lifespan, cost, and contaminant removal power so you are sure to make the best decision for your home. For water testing that you can rely on, call the Ozone Pure Water experts today at 800-633-8469.

Why is Water Contamination a Problem?

Holding Water

Filtered Water Is a Great Thing To Have In Yoru Home.

The water that you put into and on your body every single day is very important. If you are drinking or being exposed to contaminated water, you could end up sick or even dead in some cases. Water contamination happens when bad things mix in with good clean water. Items like bacteria, chemicals, dirt, and toxins are all part of that scenario. Below, we will answer all different types of questions about water contamination and why it is so important that you know what you are putting in your body. These issues can happen right inside your home. That is why we recommend things like backflow prevention, so that your dirty sewer water doesn’t end up coming out of your shower drain and getting all over you or contaminating your bathroom. We have all seen first hand what water contamination can do to oceans when things like oil gets poured in. That is essentially happening when our homes water gets contaminated, but to a much smaller degree. Water contamination and water pollution go hand in hand because once water ends up getting pollution in it, it becomes contaminated. In order to make sure that your water stays clean, make sure that you are staying up to date with all of your regular maintenance and also consider getting some kind of water treatment device to help with keeping the water in your home cleaner.

Common Questions About Water Contamination

What are the causes of water contamination?

The main causes of water contamination are from agricultural runoff. These, while helping to grow different kinds of agriculture, do not belong in your homes water. They contain things like fertilizers, pesticides, and other harmful pollutants that can be dangerous to your health. Another way that this can happen is if there is water backup from a clog and it gets into your home or water line.

How is water contaminated?

Water can become contaminated in a variety of ways. Many of those days begin when the water is not even at our home’s pipes yet. Groundwater is open to getting pollutants in it and even products like gasoline or oil. Your city goes through steps to filter the water before it makes its way into your home, but it can still carry some of those discrepancies inside of them so you will always want to be careful what you are drinking or even have your water tested.

What are the effects of water contamination?

Water contamination can be critical to your health. If you drink contaminated water, you can begin to feel nauseous, throw up, develop a fever, or headache, and have cramping. If the contaminated water gets on your skin, you could also have a reaction as well.

How can we prevent water contamination?

Water contamination can be prevented in your home by having a water treatment system installed. There are so many different options that you can choose from so that you will always feel safe. You can have one installed to filter the water in your entire home or you can just choose one roof or one sink. If you commonly use the kitchen sink and even drink water from the tap, we recommend this as a great way to keep your home and body as safe as possible.

How can water quality be improved?

Always use cold water when drinking and if you are going to use hot water for cooking, make sure that you boil it. You can use filters right on your kitchen sink, that will filter out all of the bad that comes through your faucet. You can also get water heaters and softeners to help with the overall quality of your water.

What are the major contaminants in water?

The most common contaminants that are found in drinking water are bacteria, and different viruses. You can also find different metals inside of water as well that can contaminate it.

Can water contamination make you sick?

Yes, water contaminants can make you sick and they can give you long term effects as well. It is crucial to your health that you use filtration systems and that if your cuity says that the water isn’t ideal to drink, that you stick to bottled water if you cannot use a filter. If you commonly feel sick after drinking tap water from your home, you should call the city or your local plumber to test your water.

Dirty Water

Make Sure Your Water Is Tested If It Starts To Look Different.

Different Things That Can Contaminate Water

  • Bacteria
  • Soil
  • Detergents
  • Fertilizer
  • Chemicals
  • Sewage
  • And metals

If you feel like you need water filtration options in Leander, TX, make sure that you give Ozone Pure Water a call at 800-633-8469.We will be able to provide you cleaner water options for you and your family so that you can rest easy at night, knowing that you are drinking safe water that is free of contaminants.